Friday, July 25, 2008
One more testimony of a man who died and was resurrected from death. He was a non-believer and happened to be in a plane crash. He was seriously burnt and had deadly injuries. But he started to pray to God and He answered him - he was taken back to life. Now he is an active preacher of Gospel and changed by the grace of God.
I took it from Russian source, so there are subtitles in Russian. But the movie itself is in English. So be inspired!
Shortcuts Christian flashes for inspiration
This is a video of a man's testimony, who died and was taken back to life by God. Very inspired movie from the point of view that it reminds us about our purpose in life - to live for God and be devoted to Him.
Shortcuts Christian flashes for inspiration
Thursday, July 3, 2008
A celebration in Muslim kindergarten in Palestine
1 comment(s) Author vitalyshalom на Thursday, July 03, 2008A shocking video of a celebration in Muslim kindergarten. Children show what they were taught by their teachers. The very shocking is what the boys say in the end of the video! It is highly recommended to watch till the end.
May God of peace be with all children and help them grow in peaceful spirit.
Shortcuts Various flashes for inspiration
Before you watch this movie about abortion, I want to warn you that it consists of really shocking pictures. But this is a truth, so the truth can be a shocking one.
So please, give this video to people that you know may need to watch it and stop that BIG CRIME and SIN - Abortion!
Shortcuts Christian flashes for inspiration